One Change Management for all of IT

Many IT organizations have change processes that are specific to different parts of the organization. For instance, development may have its own change process, and each operational technical silo may have a change process of its own. While this may have worked in the past, the current state of technology interdependence makes this type of organization problematic.

ITIL suggests that the change management process be implemented across all of IT as a whole. This means that all changes are recorded in a common tracking system. The system should recognize the specific needs of each group. For instance, the change management tools needed for writing software are vastly different from the change management tools needed for operations. The key idea though is that operations should have visibility into the projects that development is working on, so that they can prepare the operations environment for new releases. By the same token development should have visibility into operations changes, so that they can be aware of any operational changes that potentially impact projects they are working on.